+91 9152100318 info@gserve.in



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SEO – Search Engine Optimization

GServe provides cost effective SEO Services to its clients worldwide. With the help of our ethical SEO Services techniques your site can come top of popular search engines like Google and Bing. 

Our research team works zealously to give you a maximum advantage over your competitors. We analyze your site deeply and find target-hot keywords for your website, with proper SEO methods we can organically increase visitors to your website.

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SMM – Social Media Marketing

SMM engages with customers by using paid marketing program offered by popular social networking portals such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and linkedIn.

We help our customers with highly effective and target oriented campaigning using the power of social platforms to reach targeted customers and ensure high ROI for their investment

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Performance Marketing

Performance Marketing is a paid service that ensures your ad is targeted to the audience using paid programs offered by popular channels such as Google, Facebook, Instagram, linkedin etc. If you want to increase your customers instantly without having to wait for organic SEO results, PPC – Pay-per-click or Performance marketing is the best solution for your business.

We create a customized campaign for your product or service to reach targeted customers across a city, state or entire country. This is the fastest way of getting customers with a high ROI ratio.

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Content Marketing

Content marketing could be the creation of relevant content to market your product online. A Poster, Blog, Video, Interactive game designed to relay a particle message in the most effective way can serve as a marketing asset. We help our customers to create relevant content to achieve their marketing goals.

According to McQuivey’s Forrester study, How Video Will Take Over the World, “Video is worth 1.8 million words.” 1.8 million words, exactly. His reasoning is simple: if “a picture is worth a thousand words, then a video has to be worth at least 1.8 million words.


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