+91 9152100318 info@gserve.in



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Website Design & Development

GServe offers hi-end cost effective web designing and development solutions coupled with robust digital marketing strategy. We empower our customers with latest and responsive website designs that can be viewed on multiple devices across various platforms.

Our experience in development of websites using latest technologies has resulted in a great number of successfully completed projects & references from our customers.

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WordPress Development

WordPress is our number one choice for the best CMS platform. It’s the world’s most popular CMS software. Today wordpress powers around 43% of all websites on the internet. It enables the customers to edit and make minor changes or updates to their website.

We have a experienced team of  developers to ensure best word press solutions to our customers

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Ecommerce Development

With the Internet reaching every nook and corner of the world it is essential for every business who is into selling goods to have an Ecommerce website/ app or at least a page to enable their customer to shop for their products on the go.

We have an experienced development team to create your online shop and also make use of the latest off the shelf Ecommerce solutions such as Shopify & WooCommerce to create and manage your online shop.


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Mobile App Development

With an estimated 3.5 billion people worldwide using smart phones, its extremely recommended that you have a strong presence on this platform.

At GServe our team has been working diligently and successfully at advancing our services to mobile devices. Our team has expertise in,

  • Native App Development
  • Hybrid App Development
  • Progressive Web App Development

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